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Dr. Reckeweg R34 Recalcifying Drops Size : 22ml

Dr. Reckeweg R34 Recalcifying Drops Size : 22ml

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Dr. Reckeweg R34

Recalcifying Drops

Size : 22ml


Perturbations in calcareous tissues and the growths of bones, pathological characteristics in the osseous system; exostosis, periostitis, fragility of the bones, osteomalacia, rickets, coxitis and arthritis, as well as nucleus pulposus (complementary).


A variety of calcium compounds profoundly influence the calcium metabolism according to the symptomatology listed below:

Calcium fluoratum: Acts on the teeths, especially on the enamel.

Calcium hypophosphorosum: Regulating influence on the production of calcium in pregnancy.

Calcium phosphoricum: Perturbations in the growths of the bones, deficiency in calcium production, chronic headaches of anaemic children.

Chamomilla: Angry irritation, head sweat, teething trouble of children.

Hekla Lava: Exostosis affecting the feet.

Mezereum: Inflammation and pains in the skin of bones, especially the shin-bones, the upper part of the arms, and the bones of the chest.

Mercurius praecipitatus ruber: Against osseous deficiencies, exostosis and periostitis with nocturnal pains in the bones.

Silicea: Stimulant of growths; fights fistulae of the bones

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